Spreading life and light

With its mandate to strengthen voluntary work and promote youth welfare, Kölner Freiwilligen Agentur or the Cologne Volunteer Agency has fashioned its 2016 annual report in a manner that embodies the vivacity and colour it brings to the lives of those it serves.

The balance struck between a minimal colour scheme and bright presentation of information throughout the entire report is notable.

Black and white seems to portray the lives and circumstances of the less fortunate, while the luminous green signifies the hope and happiness the agency brings to those they aid. The grim tones evoke a somber feeling in the reader while the splashes of bright green dispel the gloom.

Similar to the lopsided “F” which serves as the agency’s logo, the text within the report occasionally makes acrobatic moves – mostly in a 90-degree angle to the left or right. In terms of composition, the report is reader friendly and spirited, providing snippets of information coupled with playful graphics, artsy sketches and black and white photographs.

A large, emboldened sans serif lettering is used for titles, headings, quotes and noteworthy facts, while the body text sports a serif type. Figures and numbers used throughout the report stand out, while each of the agency’s target locations in a number of countries are marked with coordinates and symbols pertaining to the culture they represent. The graphical representations are unique as well, with the thickness of the lines varying as per displayed percentages.

The report brims with the heartening narratives of volunteers  as well as those of the grateful individuals who have been on the receiving end of the agency’s services.

The people-centricity of the Cologne Volunteer Agency is vividly presented through their 2016 annual report; it could be even said that this report illustrates the beauty of wearing your heart on your sleeve.

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