A smooth drive to success

At first glance, Daimler’s Annual Report 2017 would initially seem too chunky to take the time to navigate, but thanks to the brushed metal effect on the cover which somewhat mimics a high-end, sleek vehicle, a further look into the report cannot be resisted. The cover and inner flap pages on both the front and back of the report provide a clear picture of the company at a glance, providing facts and figures as well as their divisions and brands.

The inviting metal effect continues inside the report in certain areas on large symbols and numbers. A Swiss binding covered with silver cloth holds the report together.

Shades of blue and grey are consistent throughout this report, conveying a sense of class and style.

The focus of this report is on 4 Cs, Core, Case, Culture and Company which the reader can obtain a better understanding of in the glossy, image-filled first segment of the report. This magazine style segment possesses both a visual and tactile appeal in order to retain the reader’s interest. The financial segment and other written details follow.

The images at the commencement of the report are mostly futuristic and conceptual, along with the additional use of eye-catching text printed on tracing paper in certain areas, which causes the images to pop out. Even the smaller images scattered throughout the latter part of the report stand out on their matte pages.

Other design elements include speech bubbles, which are consistent throughout the report and have been used to highlight company goals and achievements.

There is also an information guidance system displayed on the back cover, which uses small but catchy symbols for easy referencing throughout the report.

The Chairman’s letter takes a personal approach, addressing shareholders and stressing on the importance of a fifth C – Customer.

An interactive annual report as well as a PDF copy of the report are available online. Daimler’s continued focus on the future seems to ensure a smooth drive on to what is ahead.

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